Friday, September 26, 2008

object of desire!!!

My favourite fruit undoubtedly I realised is “Jackfruit”. Earlier I thought, I liked “Chiku” or the “Sapota”. After tasting variety of Sapota’s, I regret my decision of choosing that as my favourite fruit and am glad I found this at last. I like this fruit so much that I can have this for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And also, in between meals. I was told by my elders that eating jack fruit causes stomach ache. I for one havent encountered any such problems and I don’t know if the credit should go to my good health or my desire to eat the fruit. The best thing about this fruit is, its not available across seasons. When it is available, it’s not available in small quantity. Till now, I have ended up buying those huge ones and then have it distributed to neighbour jack fruit lovers and relish them collectively. I can’t believe there are people around me who don’t know what is a jackfruit, who have not tasted one and somebody who does not like it at all. You people, who don’t like jackfruit, don’t even come in the vicinity when I’m savouring this fruit. I’m not responsible of the consequences.

On the contrary, I have come across people who relish Mangoes the way I do with Jackfruit. I don’t like mangoes the way I like jackfruit. From past two days, this fruit has been my staple diet. This fruit is so good; I don’t need any other modifications done to this though I have had Jackfruit Idli’s, Jackfruit Payasam and Jackfruit Chips (yeah..this one is from Kerala). Of all the three, I like the Jackfruit Idli’s the most. What’s life afterall without a favourite fruit by the way?

It’s not easy to keep the momentum of liking towards this fruit. Unlike other fruits, this fruit is not available very easily. Its available only for couple of months in a year beginning from end May to mid August. I for one would want to make the best use of this period.

The other day, while passing by the market area, when I saw my favourite jackfruit being sold. I jumped at the opportunity of even having a look at them, went and bought two big ones dreaming about relishing them for the next one week’s time. My car and my house was full of jackfruit smell and I loved it. The next day, I made an early exit from office to early entry home just to cut my favourite jack fruit. My home smelled even sweeter than usual. Cutting this fruit is an art by itself. As I’m not that skill ful, the domestic help at home volunteered to do it and we got ready to dissect the fruit, almost drooling.

As that lady slit open the fruit I could see the fruit reminding of some kind of mammal full of its offsprings. Slowly and carefully she cleared the unwanted and placed the fruit in the bowl. I was so happy, I need not even eat but just looking at them, feeling the smell was good enough to make me full. However, as the heap grew, I went ahead to taste the booty. Slowly, I slit open the fruit to remove its seed hidden beneath the fruit’s exterior skin and propped a piece into my mouth. Firstly it was sweet, then soft and smooth went down my throat.

The whole fruit gave me close to 100 and odd slices which I promptly distributed to my neighbour friends who like it not as much as me. However, I felt good even sharing them and sing praises about how good it is.

And now, awaiting the next season. :)